Tuesday, August 1, 2006


In order to define screed, it is best to be familiar with the concepts of basic research that are essential to effectively expanding one's vocabulary in an effective manner. When you run across an unfamiliar word in any setting, be it a book, movie, song, everyday speech, or some other location in which you might run across an unfamiliar word, it is best to first note the word down. You may do this on a piece of paper, a small notepad, in a personal digital assistant (PDA) such as the Palm series of devices, in scribblings in the sand, or, if necessary, you may note it down mentally without using any sort of physical mannerism of recording other than your own neural network.

Once you have done this, it is best to use some form of research material. A dictionary can be handy in these cases, although an encyclopedia, Internet-based resource, or other suitable reference work in which the word being researched may be located can be used. In some cases, an article such as this one may be useful (if the author is not writing as if he were being paid by the word, that is, being paid more for a more lengthy article) in determining the proper meaning and usage of such a word.

Examples may prove useful as well if they can be located with relative ease. Using the extensive computer network known as the Internet, a major search engine -- a web site used t o locate other web sites based on keywords -- may be used to locate the word in varying contexts, although it should be remembered that the vocabulary and grammar of many on the Internet is dubious at best. (It should be noted that the search engine need not be major, although most will likely use one of the "larger" or more popular engines.)

That said, a screed is a long, monotonous piece of writing.

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